MODELZEN : Auto-Extract
Analog Models from Circuits

Auto-Extract Analog Models from Circuits

SPICE/Spectre Netlist

Input Netlist

Input Netlist Parsing


Topology Analysis

Model Fitting

Device Model Fitting

Output Model

Output Model Generation

XMODEL Netlist

Automatic generation of analog models is not a dream; it's a reality!

MODELZEN is an automatic model generator for analog circuits that can translate any circuit into an equivalent SystemVerilog model using XMODEL primitives.

Quick Tour on MODELZEN

Feature 4
User-Defined Models (UDM) of MODELZEN

Feature 1

Quick and Correct-by-Construction Analog Model Generation

Basically, MODELZEN generates structural models of the circuits, leveraging the circuit-level simulation capability of XMODEL. In other words, MODELZEN builds models by first characterizing the individual devices composing the circuits and then connecting the resulting device models according to the topology of the original circuits. This approach does not require any understanding on the circuits' functionality and guarantees correct-by-construction models. Furthermore, the generated models run fast with the XMODEL's event-driven simulation. With MODELZEN, you can get your full-chip models ready in just a few hours!


Feature 2

No Analog Expertise Required!

With MODELZEN, you don't need to be an analog expert to create high-fidelity models for analog circuits. Thanks to the MODELZEN's structural modeling approach, a verification engineer can generate models for system-level verification without asking for help from the circuit designer. Also, a circuit designer can effortlessly refresh the models whenever his/her circuits are updated.

Feature 3

Create Models with a Mouse Click!

When you use MODELZEN with GLISTER, you can auto-generate models directly from Cadence Virtuoso schematics just with a mouse click! GLISTER streamlines the preparation steps of model generation including netlist generation and property exporting, and imports the generated models back into the design database.


Feature 4

Auto-generate functional models as well as structural models

MODELZEN initially generated structural models, which guarantee correct-by-construction models without requiring analog expertise. However, for some critical blocks, one may be willing to go the extra mile in describing their key functionalities and extract functional models that run faster. The new MODELZEN integrates the MODELFIT's capabilities into its streamlined flow, and can generate the selected parts of the circuits as functional models while generating the rest as structural models.

UDM (User Defined Model)

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